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Setup an R-Package with Rcpp in RStudio



install.packages(c("Rcpp", "devtools"))

0. File -> New Project -> ... -> Package using Rcpp

1. Create R/package.R file

  • create R/package.R file
  • run

usethis::use_rcpp() and add the lines suggested usethis to your R/package.R file

2. Git Setup


3. Open and edit DESCRIPTION file to your needs

4. Add a license

usethis::use_gpl3_license(name = "Sebastian Hanss")

5. add a


6. setup unit tests in R


7. setup roxygen for NAMESPCE and documentaion

  • overwrite your NAMESPACE file:


  • allow Markdown in your documentation


8. Commit all changes to your local repository now

  • in the Terminal:

git add . git commit -m "initial commit"

9. Create a GitHub repo

9a. if you don't have a GitHub access token, yet get one:

usethis::browse_github_pat() usethis::edit_r_environ() # Make sure '.Renviron' ends with a newline!

9b. create a GitHub repo:

usethis::use_github(private = TRUE)

Enable Roxygen update on build

  • Build tab -> More -> Configure Build Tools:

  • Check Generate documentation with Roxygen:

I also check roxygenize on "Build and Restart" for convenience.

Sources and further reading

References: YoMos Workshop 2020 Related: